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Monday, February 15, 2010

Mr. President.......

can we get a Presidential Pardon from the next snow storm?

It's not a snow day or a holiday for me in Judiland.
The TV is promising another snow storm is on it's way.
And, it's headed straight for my little corner of the world.
Listen, Mr. President.....I think we've had quite enough.
We've paid our dues....
We're fresh off of the latest round of snow, snow days, snow shoveling and snow banks.
And, we're heading into another week--one that's promising snow, snow and more snow.
Plus, we're smack up against FAT TUESDAY.....
What's a girl to do?
Please Mr. President, if you're not doing anything today on your presidential holiday, could you please use your presidential powers to stop the snow from coming?
And, if you can't stop it....can you please make sure it comes when I'm snuggled safely in my bed tonight and make sure it does not play havoc with my commute home???
Please Mr. President....


Anonymous said...

My goodness girl...I do hope you get home safely and that the storm is not too big :) this time.xoxoxo


Bookncoffee said...

I think a lot of folks have dreams of daffodils and blooms dancing in their heads about now. We got another 1.5 inches last night. I love the snow and was glad to be off. But I am hungering for some warmth now.

Jody V said...

Please send that snow my way!! We're only getting 2-4" inches late tonight. I want more!! And yes...I put the wine glass down and got my ass in gear! Took the dogs out for a long needed walk.

Hang in there and I hope you don't get too much snow!


Barbara said...

Judi .. I second this request.. I have had it too.. and you can ask the President to send any other snow to Jody.. cause enough already