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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Italians kept this one from me.....

Lapbanders....take note.....there's a soup in town that will make you forget all about your longing for pasta and huge hunks of bread......
And, non-Lapbanders....this one is for you too!
It's heaven in a bowl....
Plus, it's guaranteed to take the chill off.....
And, it pairs so nicely with a light pino grigio.
What could be better?

Ricotta Dumplings in Broth.....(click right there for the Proud Italian Cook's Recipe!).....

Where has this soup been all of my life?

What the hell???
I come from a long line of great Italian cooks.
I married into a family of excellent Italian cooks.
And, I think I own every Italian cookbook on the planet.
So, how in the hell did this amazing, comforting Italian soup escape me for the past 51 years?

Hey Nana, hey momma, hey Aunt Phil, hey Aunt Carm, hey Aunt Theresa, hey Aunt Congie, hey Aunt Mary, hey m-i-l Rosa, hey all you cousins and sister-in-laws and cousin-in-laws with Italian blood running through your veins.....perche?

Is it because I'm half Irish?
Is that why you never told me about Ricotta Dumpling Soup?


Jody V said...

WOW Judi!!

Another great soup like the lasagna soup! How do find this stuff Sister?? You are rocking!!


Kathy said...

Oh I know, I saw this recipe too. Have you tried it yet? I am anxious to try it myself. Thanks for reminding me Judi.

Eileen, Founder, Organizer, Mayor and Chief Cook And Bottle Washer of the Anger Management Girls. said...

Those "Gawd Damn Italians!"
Always keeping stuff from us just because we like to have fun and don't throw ourselves over dead people!

Proud Italian Cook said...

Hi Judi, I loved your post you had me cracking up! That soup is like the Italian version of Matzoh Ball soup! Nice to meet you, I'll come by soon again.