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Saturday, June 27, 2009

What can I bring?

What's a girl to do?

It's that time of the year when the invitations are pouring in for summer parties. Everything from backyard cookouts to fancy-shmancy deck cocktail parties. Time to get down to business fashion-wise as well as food-wise. Because as we's all about fashion and food.

Losing this weight has definitely helped in the fashion department. So, I think I've got my bases covered when it comes to what I'll be wearing through the summer party season. Of course, there's always a little time to shop if I should come up short in the party pants department. But, the food thing is what's giving me agita right now.
You see, my mother taught me to never go empty handed to a party. It's not like she said--"Judi, don't go empty handed." After all, I was just 14 when she passed away. It was the example she set. My mother was a proud Italian cook and felt it was her duty, her privilege and her right to share her God given talents. So, she never went empty handed. No matter if she was going to a funeral, a wedding, a baptism, a holiday dinner or anywhere where a host or hostess would be serving food. Although I don't always carry in a home cooked offering--I still abide by that rule. I am my mother's daughter! This piece of my mother's etiquette code is just one of those things I'm blessed with.

And, possibly cursed with....

After years of not going empty handed, I've made my share of recipes to bring to parties, I've picked up enough wine to fill the Atlantic Ocean and I'm positive that I've single handedly kept my local specialty stores in business. But, sometimes...just sometimes....I'm spent. Not just in dollars and cents but in ideas for what to bring.
That's exactly where I was a few days ago......until another proud Italian cook fell right into my lap.
Please visit her----you will not leave empty handed.


Debbie said...

Wow...What a find. The cedar plank grilled scallops look incredible.
I have the same empty handed rule passed down from my Mom, the proud german cook, actually she was more of a baker than a cook.
Happy week-ending.

Jody V said...

Great find Judi! You are amazing. Thanks for sharing. My mom was not a good cook at all. I learned by trial and error but it was fun!! Oh...except the flaming garlic bread Frank had to throw out the window...oh well...I've come a long way!

Proud Italian Cook said...

Judi, What a sweet post! Thank you for your kind words you made my day!