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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Age is just a number........

Yes, we're still celebrating Toni's birthday. Did you ever notice that when you're under 20, the entire month is dedicated to YOUR BIRTHDAY? We started the celebration on July 4. We had scads of people over to the house to eat, drink and be merry. And, to sing Happy Birthday. Now, here we are 6 days later and we are still in all-hail-to-Toni mode. And, we will continue in that mode for at least the next 24 hours. Today was "wake up to presents" day. Tonight was "out to dinner" night. Tomorrow is "shop, shop, shop" day. We'll probably sneak a chai latte and a nice little lunch in there. All in celebration of SEVENTEEN.

You know how you sit there and calculate how old you'll be when your kids get to certain milestones? It's one of those things you do during those times when he/she is a baby and won't sleep. You are up all night and you have to think about something other than if you really wanted kids in the first place. You're rocking this kid. You're trying to feed this kid. You're burping this kid. You're walking the halls with this kid. And, you're thinking.....when this kid turns 17, I'll be INSERT AGE. It always seemed so far away......Toni, 17 and me, 50. Yes, age is just a number.....when you're 50.
Thank God I'm celebrating my Bandiversary!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Toni from me, too!

Judi, I just love reading your blog. It is such a fun blog!

Also, just wanted to let you know that your blog is ruining my eyes (LOL) when I read it on Firefox, but when I switch it to Internet Explorer, I get the nice pale yellow background and then I can read it very well, thus saving these old eyes for lots more years of reading your blog!