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Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday morning came and went......

and I was spent.....!

Blogger was being uncooperative during my typical early morning blogging hour. I was completely exhausted from a weekend of....well....weekending. I was busy trying to get Vince out the door and on the road. I had party rentals to return and my favorite black capris were a little too baggy....which, in hindsight was not such a bad thing. But, I was rendered pantless...which at 5:30 a bad thing. And, to be quite honest---I was just cranky.
Even my chai latte with an energy shot didn't fix me up the way it usually does. As a matter of fact--when I think back on my day---my day felt overcaffienated and I felt underenergized--making my head explode. I guess that's what happens when a new boss comes on the scene and there's lots to do and not enough time to do it. At this point--leaving on Friday for 2 weeks at the beach feels overwhelming. I don't like it when even vacation feels stressful.
I really gotta get a grip. A glass of wine might help too.

So, I'm just going to leave you with these images......

Judi & Debbie--at Debbie's high school graduation party--1975
A 16 year old Judi and a 17 year old Debbie.......
look at Debbie...rocking those 70's aviators!!
don't you just love my hat?????...yes, it diverts the attention from my overplucked eyebrows and frosted overdone eyes!!!
Yes, we were soooooo 70's!!!!!

Debbie & Judi---at Toni's high school graduation party--2009
How old are we here? You do the math......
Finally, we grew up! But, we still manged to stay very stylish! In fact, I'm thinking we look even better!!! Don't ya think? you can see--I'm still lovin' the color RED! I could have used those red earrings from 1975....they would have looked smashing with my 2009 necklace. Gee....I wonder if Debbie remembers where I put them (she seems to remember EVERYTHING else!)!

Thanks to my forever girlfriend--Debbie (a devoted blog reader with the most adorable grand daughter on the planet!) for always being such a great picture taker and for sharing them with me!!!

Hopefully, I'll have more physical and mental energy tomorrow to BLOG!!!!

Now, for that glass of wine........

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Being a morning person I've never understood how a night owl feels in the morning but I have know a few in my time. I pop out of bed and am wide awake ready for the day. Isn't it funny how some of us are morning people and some night people? Why is it I managed to marry to guys who were both night owls?? go figure!!