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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Post Holiday Blues......

Last night, I must have read a dozen blog postings from the various bloggers I frequent---almost every one of them mentioned the post holiday let down. Do you think it's contagious? I'm beginning to think so....
A few of the writers were trying to overcome their feelings with self-talk, reflection and prayer. A few others decided to give in to the feelings and heal them with the passing of time. And, there were a few strong-willed folks who opted to clean it out of them--as in tackling big home cleaning projects or exercise it out of them at the gym. One dear, very tired soul went as far as to declare her state as one that required a "mental health week" of staying in bed and watching soap operas. While I admit that each of these antidotes are not without their merits....for me--none of them are quick enough.

To be honest--as much as I believe in doing whatever it is that you need to do to get over whatever it is that you need to get over--I am too impatient to put up with more than a day or two of feeling funky. And, I am way too impatient to try a few different plans to see which one might work. Call it what you will. But, I just can't do it. Sure, I can go for days feeling lousy and cranky and whiney. But, even in those states of mind, I need to find some fun and brightness. Let's face it--I have to have a reason to put on my make up and my shoes and my Size 12 clothes. Yes, I'm just that vain! Maybe if I stopped long enough to come up with a way to self-heal, I'd come up with one that I like. But, in my world--I have to move on. Go forward. Get moving. Be done with it. And, for heaven's sake--I can't let it stop me from caring about the things I need to care about. Like putting on my favorite lipstick or showing off my new red leather cowboy boots with black leather tooling. Sometimes I just have to rely on those material things to coax me out of whatever state I am in to bring me back to the land of the smiling....

Get the the after-Christmas sales.....

Sometimes all it takes is a new spin on things..... when you think "post holiday blues".....think of all the cute and sassy blue things you can get....ON SALE!


Jody V said...

LOL Judi! That will do it! Also, like you said, RUN...don't walk to Coldwater Creek. It's amazing what you can get right now!!


Kathy said...

Love those shoes! I hope you "kick" the blues in short order. I still need to check out Coldwater Creek. I forgot it.