Alright, as of this precise moment, I am off the scales. You heard me. I'm going on a scale hiatus. I'm taking a little break. Scale cold turkey. No more scales for me. Adios. Toodles and see ya later gater. Yep, it's good-bye scale. Good-bye every scale. The one at the gym. The one in my bathroom. The one at work. My sister's scale. My other sister's scale. My father's scale. My mother-in-law's scale. The random scale I come upon. All of them. It's time to be thankful for the number I read this morning. It's time to declare a national holiday in thanksgiving for the number my scale told me this morning. It's time to go it alone. Time to not let the scale tell me if I'm doing okay or if I need to adjust this or tweak that. It's time to go forward without the crutch of the scale telling me I'm working hard and being successful. It's time to stand on my own two feet---without the scale beneath me---and reap the benefits of how I feel
not what I see on
the scale. Live life without the scale. Feel my body. Understand my body. Really get to know it. Learn to live in it and with it. And do it all without the scale. For now.....
Just one tiny little thing, though......
I sure hope they don't have scales on the cruise since I might be a bit looser when it comes to being a well-behaved rule follower. Those umbrella drinks might bring out the misbehaved girl in me. And, I can tell you right now...when that happen, I just can't be held responsible. For anything.
Hope you have a GREAT time! I know you'll have some neat stories to tell when you get back. : )
Have Fun on your cruise, Judi!
I can't wait to hear some stories and maybe even see some pictures from your cruise when you get back!
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