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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Working day......

It sounds funny to hear myself say that I'm taking a break from the holidays to go to work today.
As if the holidays haven't been WORK.

There's been the all hours....morning, noon and night.....

And, there were the late nights and early mornings and mid afternoons of wrapping and setting up and fuffing and fussing....

Of course, there were also those fun family memories that had to be made....

And, the obsessive decorating......little vignettes all around the house.....the details of which are mind boggling.....

And, the party -going! Making the fashion choices was enough to send me over the edge....not to mention the decision as to whether I'd be going with wine or martinis....

Not to mention....all the extra meals, piles of laundry, clean up, dishes, no sleep, bad food decisions and tired aching bones that go with it all.....

Yes, I'm going to work today to get a bit of a rest from the work of holidaying......

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