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Sunday, March 18, 2012

The morning after St. Pat's Day Gospel for Good Irish Girls....

 I am pretty sure that Irish Catholics have been given dispensation this morning from Mass....due to headaches and other assorted Irish ailments....... 
Even so, there will be many red-eyed,  ruddy-cheeked, blue-eyed lads who will show up because they too afraid not to.
But, I can guarantee you that there are lots of  blue-eyed lasses who are skipping Mass today.
Irish woman are all saints.... just ask those red-eyed, ruddy-cheeked,blue-eyed lads who show up at Mass.............. they will confirm it. 

1 comment:

Mar's kids said...

Ha! I'll be showing up at the cathedral of Trader Joe later this morning :) Hope your revels didn't result in too much pain this morning!!