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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Note to self.......

you are no longer 23, you don't eat much, martinis are all booze.....

I'm gonna go lay down and think about that...


Debbie said...

tsk, tsk, tsk, Was it one of those mornings when you wake up, feel terible and say "I am never doing this to myself again"???
I hope you and Carmen had a great night.

Jody V said...

Oh Judi....

I am laying down to think about that also...I too am not 23 any longer...I feel your pain this morning.


Irishembi said...

I used to boast about about the fact that I NEVER got sick, and I NEVER got hangovers.

Let's just say I'm not 23 either and my boasting days ended abruptly and unpleasantly once upon a time.