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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I never liked those pigs.....

and I wasn't too crazy about those birds either.

We went from panicking over the Bird Flu to running from the Swine Flu.

It doesn't seem that long ago that we spent many staff meetings discussing the inevidable arrival of the Bird Flu on our culturally diverse campus. Each time, I firmly believed it was coming our way. At the time, Vince was a student on campus--living among students from all over the world. And, I, of course, worked with those very same students. Could some of them unknowingly carried the bug here? It was a question that troubled me each time we discussed it. However, within a few days, as my mind was captured by more immediate concerns--like audits and budgets and laundry and dinner--my fear disapated...until the next meeting. Thankfully, as the scare dwindled, so did our discussions. Whew...we managed to escape the Bird Flu. After that, the audit felt like our new Bird Flu. But, that's old news.

At the moment, we've got this Swine Flu thing. Although we haven't discussed it at a Staff Meeting--yet--it's managed to capture my attention through continual newspaper and TV headlines. And, there was a White House briefing on the Swine Flu. That sounds awfully big to me when the White House gets involved. Much bigger than my office staff meetings. (don't tell them I said that...)

So, now I'm left to wonder--are we really facing down a true and inevidable pig virus? I mean--now that it's made it way to neighboring states, does this mean that it's a real and truly inevidable possibility?

Why do we always have to worry about something?
If it's not birds, it's pigs.

Do you think if I drink enough gin I'll be immune?


Kathy said...

Ha ha, hey if not you'll at least have fun trying right? Isn't it the truth? There is always something in the forefront that our country is being warned about and worried about. It could drive a person crazy if they let it.

Eileen, Founder, Organizer, Mayor and Chief Cook And Bottle Washer of the Anger Management Girls. said...

I think we just don't pay attention when people get the flu so they figure if they put an aminal name to it. People will pay attention.

Essential Oil Premier University said...

Judi, I think if you drink enough gin you won't really give a crap (opps wrong choice of words) :)

I'm making your recipe for Chicken-Tortilla Soup for dinner. Smells wonderful. Thanks for sharing.



Daffodil Hill said...

Just stopping by for a quick "hello". That chicken tortilla soup looks like a winner. If I ever decide to cook again I might just try it. : )