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Monday, October 20, 2008

Monday, Monday, Monday, Monday,Monday...

Mondays always have a way of sneaking up on me. Before I know it, the weekend is over but the remnants of it remain. It was a beautiful Fall weekend in Judiland. Our college visit was exceptional--perfect weather, lovely campus. Toni loved the school and felt very at home there. Our visit was made even better because we had the added bonus of Alexa's wonderful hospitality at her darling apartment. Plus, the cherry on top of all of it was a visit with Vince. We have a few more school visits to go..Toni may have a tough time with choices!

Despite our successful and fun weekend, I'm feeling a bit funky and out of sorts this morning. It's starting out as a day that I want to crawl back into bed, pull the covers up over my head, close my eyes and my ears and wake up when it's all over! I'm feeling very unJudi. I'm not sure exactly what it is. It's like a cross between the flu and nervousness--if that makes any sense. Whatever it is--it's here. My stomach is a little queezy, my head is thumping a bit, I'm fidgety yet sluggish and I'm cold one minute and hot the next. Perhaps it's the little extra wine that I drank or a let down from my lovely weekend or maybe it's the sadness that I feel over my sister's dear friend's passing or it could be the overwhelming sweating that I woke up with during the night (gee, that's a new one). All I know is, I don't like starting my week like this. I need a quick fix and I need it soon. I've got an entire Monday in front of me. Hopefully, by the time I leave for my morning walk, I'll be feeling normal (well, normal for a Monday morning!).
Someone should invent a Monday pill for days like this....


Kathy said...

Amen to that sister!! A pill for Monday's sounds good to me too. I hope you feel better by noon. Once you start moving around and have a bite to eat you may be surprised.

Daffodil Hill said...

Glad your weekend was everything you wanted it to be. Coming home "sick" is a bummer, though. Hope you're feeling much better! {{hugs}}

Eileen, Founder, Organizer, Mayor and Chief Cook And Bottle Washer of the Anger Management Girls. said...

They did invent a pill for Mondays didn't they?
It's called Prozac!