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Sunday, August 12, 2007

I'll give it to you straight......

I am miserable. The best thing that has happened to me in the past 24 hours is a lime popsicle that sort of tasted like a margarita. Thanks for the great comments.....I really do not deserve them. But, I'll take them. I am sure I'll be much better tomorrow. Carmen has gout. I am in pain. So, you don't need a good imagination to figure out what's going on around here......


Daffodil Hill said...

Sorry you are having such a yucky weekend! Maybe tomorrow will be a much nicer day. We're thinking about you over at the forum. Keep thinking thin. It will be worth all the pain when you get to buy those fabulous new clothes! Love you!

Dell said...

Judi, the first week is rough. Hang in there, and know that it does get better! Keep up your fluids and protein! If I can help, feel free to email me at


Harriet Schwartz said...

Hi Judi,

Sounds lousy, but I'm sure the first few days are the worst and then it will get better. I'm cheering for you.


ChocolateEcuador said...

Like our mothers told us, its hurts to be beautiful! Sorry to hear you are having so much pain. That means you will be even more beautiful which makes total sense! Hang in there. I can't believe your dh has gout! That's one way to get out of taking care of you! I'll bet he is in more pain than you! LOL!! Trust me, I know the just can't get sick alone when your dh is an Italianboy!
Thinking of you! Marib.