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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Saving those who might not want to be saved!

I don't know if it's just me but when I know about something that really changed my life, I want to tell people about it---so they can change their lives.
I want to tell them how do it, where to go to get it and what it will mean to them!
Hell, I want to scream it from the roof tops and put up a bill board on Route 66 and shake people by their shoulders and get in their face and get them to listen to me.....
I want them to feel the same way I do, to reap the wonderful rewards that life has to offer and to buy smaller clothes.....
Yes, I want everyone to know the answers and I want to be the one to tell them!
Yes, I am talking about my Lapband.....
Irrational, I know.....saving the world with a Lapband!!! ????

I mean, how do I really know everyone who I think wants to change their lives really want their lives changed?
How pompous can I be?
Who am I to judge?
How do I know that they even want to lose weight or even feel they need to lose it?
Imagine....a complete stranger saying to you....."hey have you ever thought about weight loss surgery?"
Yeah.....get ready for a fist in your face Judi!
I would have lots black and blue rings around my blue eyes and more than my share of bumps on my bottle-brunette head!!!
But, still....
I just can't help myself.
It's a sickness.
I really want to save everyone from a life of obesity.....I really do.
Really. Really.
And, it comes directly from my heart and from the place in my soul that knows what life is like as an obese person. A person fighting every pound....every day.
No one should live that way. If they don't want to......I guess.
Sometimes Carmen has to hold me back.....
Just like this past week when we were away.
I can count on 2 hands the times Carmen caught that look in my eyes and had to actually stop me from leaping off my bar stool or out of my seat on the jet boat or from running to catch up with someone who was walking in front of me....
It's true.
I own it.
Sure, I had a bit more bravery.....courage fueled by vacation libations....
But, I also had a higher sense of realization.....a realization that if it weren't for my Lapband, I would not be feeling the same way on our little vacation and enjoying things in the same way or wanting to be so present in the same way....
Hell, I might not have even be doing that little vacation....
So, between the booze and my amazing new silk undies.....I was feeling like I alone could save the world and rock the planet.....just by telling them about my Lapband!

Now that I am on dry land wearing respectable undergarments and not knocking back margaritas at noon, I get it.
Not everyone wants to or needs to get a Lapband.
But, even with that being said....there's just one thing I wish.....I wish I would have met THIS ME a long time ago.....for so many reasons.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more.

Jenny said...

I would love to explain to people that the Lapband is not the easy way out and it takes work. But it does amazing things!!

Christine said...

There's a girl that works in the department downstairs that...I want to save. Just like you're talking about. It's like...I know the answer! I know what can help you! But I can't say anything cuz, well, I don't want a fist in my face either. LOL! :-)

Marie said...

I totally get where you are coming from as I feel the same way. I think just you being you and how well you have done is testament enough to the success of the lapband. Who knows how many people will get one having heard how well you did because many of us don't tell people!

Anonymous said...

Jud....I get it babe. I have been following your blog for awhile and I keep wondering when you are going to come and shake ME. YOU KNOW ME. I feel so insane about this!!! But your blog posting made me wonder if you know who I am. I keep waiting until you are ready to be brave enough to beat me into submisson. I will not punch you but I do NEED YOU TO FORCE ME!!!!!!!!!!! This is SOOOO HARD!
I see you everyday and you are a daily inspiration to me. I will contact you soon!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree,agree...sometimes in the supermarket I see someone so pretty and sweet as they say hello, that I want to shake 'em and tell them "there's a way out" let me tell you how.If given the opportunity I do. I'm working on my step neice at the moment, and on a recent shopping trip met the sweetest clerk and I did the routine there too.
Hugs, Lucy