And, take all the other goodies too!
Turkey # 4 is's perched in all it's Thanksgiving splendor in it's roaster down in the basement fridge!
If you know anyone looking for a fully cooked 16 pound turkey....let me know.
Did I really need 4 turkeys????
I'm just so excessive.
Now, I'm left with the evidence of my excessiveness.
There's also 4 different kinds of stuffing, 2 different kinds of mashed potatoes, 3 different kinds of gravy....not to mention about 100 different kinds of cheeses, dips, crackers, breads.....AHHHH!
When will I ever make just one of everything?
My house is overrun with it all!
I tried, I tried, I tried.
I wrapped up all the leftovers and made care packages to go back to Collegeland and PhDLand.
But, it was not to be.
My Collegeland sweetie wanted nothing to do with any more food.
My PhDlander wanted less than half of what I lovingly bagged up for him.
And, so, here I sit with a fridge filled to the brim with luscious leftovers.
And, they are so noisy!
They keep calling me.
The parmesean herb mashed potatoes and the gingersnap gravy are the loudest.
No wonder I have a monster headache.
I mean a monster headache.
Perhaps I should try to block out that foodie call and try to soothe my soul and banish this monster headache with a little walk down memory lane.....
A Blessed Judiland Thanksgiving Weekend......
when my house and my heart were full!
Turkey #1......Thanksgiving Day!when my house and my heart were full!
Turkey Fry Night--Let the eating begin.....
Time to deal with this headache......
1 comment:
Thinking of the clean up as a workout :o)
Glad to see you had a great weekend!
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