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Tuesday, October 22, 2013


That's the wretched disease that I am afflicted with at the moment....... 

After 6+ years of Lapbanding and 4.5 years of living in my current body, I still feel those aches and pains and feverish moments of terror when confronted with having to fit into a new season's wardrobe....
You know those raging symptoms.....
Will that dress fit me this year?
I am positive I won't fit into those pants!
I need all new clothes in a bigger size, I am sure of it!!!!  
OMG, I won't have anything to wear!
My husband is going to shoot me when I go on a major shopping spree!!!
Will I have any money left over for new shoes and boots????
I will have to call off work because nothing fits me!!


 It's like a  flu that comes with the change of each season.  I apologize for sharing my malady with you each time I'm struck down by the disease.  At this point, I think I'm more frustrated with myself than anything.  Clearly, old habits die hard.  For so many years, my panic was well deserved....I had every reason to believe that the clothes I wore the year before would not fit. Because they didn't.  It's just the way it always went. I had always gained a few pounds (or more) and went up a size (or more!).  So, of course, my internal clock was very used to the dreaded return of the seasonal wardrobe change over.   Not only was it massively tough on the wallet (to have to go out and buy  5 new pair of black pants....), it was also extremely hard to come to grips with my ever growing body.  Did I really eat that much in those few months?  
Last night, as I found myself in that familiar place of not wanting to go up to my closet and figure out what to wear today, I tried to analyze why I haven't figured out that those clothes will fit me.  They really will!  As evidenced in 2 of the gazillion times during my Lapband and here. 
I found myself astounded at the fact that I haven't caught on...even after I've lived through the same scenario time and time again.  

I won't be calling off work today due to not having anything to wear.  
Even though I could use a day of won't be it.   


Barbara said...

ANd that is what we call SUCCESS!!

Good for you Judi!

Catherine55 said...

That's so funny, Judi! I go through that too. It feels SO GOOD when clothing from last year goes right on without a problem! Great post!!