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Hey, Ben, I'm a multi-tasker! Ever hear of that? I can do both! From the looks of this picture, you didn't even follow your own advice! Please don't take that personally, Ben..... |
Let's get one thing straight folks, there is nothing criminal or wrong or sinful or unethical or stupid about loving to eat. Especially if you are eating good food......
So, let's stop feeling guilty about eating and our love of food.
Can I get an AMEN and a STANDING O for Julia?
Of course, good...even as it pertains to food.... is a very relative term.
Good to some means cookies and nachos and good to others means tofu and granola while good to others means eel and haggis.....you get my point.
I'm sure what Ben is talking about is gluttony....the bad side of eating.
I'm pretty sure Jesus even has a thing against gluttony. If I remember my CCD teachings right....
What Julia is talking about is the joy of eating.
The joyous celebration of food and eating with love.
Jesus is all for celebrations and love.
And, I'm pretty sure--if Ben would have thought about it a little bit more instead of spending all that time putting keys on kites and signing freedom documents--he would have reworded his quote.
In fact, I am certain of it.
And, I for one, would prefer to celebrate life.
If that means loving food and eating with love then that's how I am going to live......
During my years of dieting and diet programming--it was ironic to me that I thought about food more than when I wasn't dieting. Of course, I was much younger then (and definitely not as wise as I am today...) and didn't really get the idea that my dieting was a result of my struggle with food and eating. So, my preoccupation with food and eating was super heightened when I was trying to fight the forces of that struggle. Every day, I had to wake up and deal with food in a different way than when I was just going about my business of eating---whether it was by taking pills to make me not eat or it was living off of prepackaged food or it was by banning carbs or counting fats or drinking shakes.......you know the drill....
In the end, it was the dieting that did me in.
I know I've talked about this before---living a life where there's good and bad foods is clearly no way to live...
At some point....maybe it's because we are getting older and realize we want to live on our own terms for the remainder of our time.....we don't want to do that anymore.
But, we are so programmed to live that way and we are so filled with guilt when we eat butter or chips or pizza or fillintheblank that we don't know how to go forward....
The circle is crippling.
For some people, diet programs and deprivation and banning certain foods works forever.
For others---it does not.
I'm one of those does not folks.
But, you know what.....I am finally okay with it.
And, I suggest that everyone else who is like me be okay with it too.
Just a suggestion.....
You see....I love food. I love every aspect of food--from thinking about it, to cooking it, to serving it to eating it....
I come by it honestly....trust me.
I come from a long line of women who love to cook and equate food with love and I come from a long line of men and women who love to eat.
Many of my fondest memories are linked to sitting at a table laden with lasagna and meatballs with pie for dessert....
Many of my best moments are when I've researched recipes and cooked all day and even into the night....and then served that food and stood by with joy in my heart as people ate it and looked happy with what they were eating....
Once again, I thank my Lapband for helping me accept and embrace my love of food and eating.
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