Alright guys.....I know we are all ga-ga over Friday....
Believe me, I feel exactly the same way.
I am TGIFing right along with you here in Judiland!
So.. let's get the woo-hoos out of the way....

Although Friday is definitely something to be THANKFUL for......I was thinking that since it's November and we'll be celebrating THANKSGIVING in just a few short weeks.....maybe we should try to find all those things we are thankful for......
So, I'm setting aside every Friday in November for us to TGIF!!!
Right. Here. Right. Now.
That' s just what we will be doing here on Stories from the Road.....
Every Friday in November, I am going to tell you what I am thankful for and YOU are going to tell me what YOU ARE THANKFUL FOR......
We are gonna TURBO CHARGE TGIF!!!!
Here I go.....
I am thankful for my bestest-forever and ever girlfriends......the girls who make my life my other words....they get Judi and they play along!!!!
They come from all roads of Judiland and they make the journey worth traveling.....
Lucky me!!!!!
So, tell me....what are you thankful for?
1 comment:
Had to comment, didn't want you to think no one was paying attention... Here goes... I am truly, truly thankful for re-connecting with old friends. Some are far, far away and some were right here in the Burg, only a phone call, email, or facebook post away.
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