But, when there's a bandiversary celebration going on, you can't start crying. Especially when it's your own damn celebration. It's a no-no. Tears are very unbecoming on a hostess. Trust me, I know. The whole mascara thing. The streaks across your fake tan. Not good. You just don't do not good during a time of celebration. It must be all good, all the time. Rules are rules.
What's a girl to do? Well, I'll tell you. Get a back-up section. You call up your girlfriends, put on some fancy shoes and some tight little frocks, you find a nice place to go and you play the blues. On your saxes. Loudly and with lots of sass. You and your girlfriends. Call it what you will. But,I give you my word and I double guarantee you, it will stop the tears everytime.
It's the only way to cry celebration-like.....
In the spirit of crying with friends in a celebratory kind of way, I figured I'd combine the 2 for today's point gathering questions:
What TV commercial(s) makes you cry?
5 points for each commercial you mention
What is the name of your first childhood friend?
5 points for first name only, 10 points for the first and last name
Did you play an instrument in grade school? If so, what did you play?
5 points if you played one, 10 points if you also remembered what you played
Yes, blog friends, it's a HUGE points kind of day. When I get all bluesy and teary....I can be very excessive. I've got the shoes to prove it. In fact, just to show you I am not lying and in an effort to brighten my spirits, I think I'm going to wear my brand new $165 Andre Assoue Luna Beige Tanger Leopard Straw Wedged Heeled Peep-toe Sling backs today. That should do it. Since I can't do the sax thing. (I don't sax on Wednesdays anyhow.) But, I can do $165 Andre Assoue Luna Beige Tanger Leopard Straw Wedged Heeled Peep-toe Sling backs. I can do them very well. If you can't sax-it-up, you might as well shoe-it-up. But, I will be saxing soon.....me and my back up section....
so here goes finally my first comment:)
tv commercials are: the ASPCA ones about abused animals and the other one is the Pedigree ones that show the animals in the cages that need homes.
first friend was Angela Decario
and finally yes i played an instrument and it was the drums (played until i was a junior)
What TV commercial(s) makes you cry?
The first one is the Norelco Christmas Santa from long ago that rides in on the cordless razor. They are using the theme and the Santa that reminds me of Christmases with my parents. I absolutely loved that commercial years ago. It meant Christmas was around the corner. My mom did Christmas right!
Another one is the Hallmark commercial where the boy brings over the card to the elderly woman that is feared in the neighborhood. The kids fear this woman because they feel she is mean. He gets to the door and she answers and invites him in. The fear in him is mounting. Then she offers him cookies and milk and it ends with them laughing. Being on the First Aid Squad I see the elderly alone frequently. It is very sad.
The other one that absolutely kills me is the MADD commercials where they show the young person who was killed by a drunk driver or who was a drunk driver themselves and was killed. Those hit home for me since I have two teenagers.
Oh geez, that’s enough….where is my Xanax????
What is the name of your first childhood friend?
My first childhood friend was Donna Oxley. She lived next door to me and we met when I was a baby. She is now my sister in law living down the street. We are still best friends.
Did you play an instrument in grade school? If so, what did you play?
I played 3 instruments in school. The trumpet until I chipped my front tooth from it. Then came the clarinet because my mother loved the way it sounded (after I practiced for awhile of course)but I didn’t like it. My favorite was the flute. It was calming and quiet during my hectic teenage years trying to become a woman and still play field hockey and get a boyfriend!!
Geeze, how weird that my three answers are connected.(Does that mean I get an extra point? Hey it's worth a shot, I need all the help I can get!)
Any commercial that plays the Stars Spangled Banner.
My first best friend was Maryann Usselman who,by the way, could not carry a note. Especially singing our national anthem. I shouldn't say this but I haven't seen her in years, but think of her when I hear that song, and laugh.
For a peek at just how weird we were. Check out this post, scroll down to the Sister Mary Eileen:
Yeah, that's me and my BFF, circa 1964.
Sadly, I did not play an instrument when I was young. I wanted to, but we were never allowed.
My thoughts on that: I could have been a ballerina.
What TV commercial(s) makes you cry?
(Do I get extra points since I supplied a youtube video?)
What is the name of your first
childhood friend?
Sue Joseph
Did you play an instrument in grade school? I went to a small Catholic School and didn't have a band or the funds to play and instrument. Do spoons count? ;)
OMG Gerry -
The WHOLE office is laughing!! Thanks so much!!
TV COMMERCIALS: anything Hallmark, but especially the one where the older brother slips in while the younger brother is singing.
CHILDHOOD FRIEND: Judy! How 'bout that!
INSTRUMENTS: piano and flute in grade school, added guitar and organ in high school, ukelele and recorder somewhere along the way
Cheer up! But hey - it's your party. You can cry if you want to! ; )
here goes:
Tv commercial...the Maxwell house one where the young man comes home (from college, I think) and starts brewing the coffee (I also think it is Christmas morning) and his little sister greets him. Then the parents wake up due to the smell of the coffee and I think they all get a group hug. Because it is Christmas and he was so sweet to surprise them!!
my childhood friend: Sandra Middernacht...her father was a minister so they had to move. I was so sad that day.
I played the piano when I was little but only a little
Jill G. (jbean)
Do you ever sleep? OMG! No wonder you want to cry the blues! You are exhausted. I think you must have a mind that just works 24-7. Get some rest sweetie!
TV Commercial:
Lapband commercial
First Friend:
Jocelyn Grace Scotto from Hoboken NJ
Piano. I still play.
I love your questions. They really bring back great memories!
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