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Friday, December 10, 2010

The fine art of doing nothing......

is what I am going to do right now.

I'm giving you permission to do the same.

In the spirit of giving.....donate the time you normally spend reading Stories from the Road to your education in the Fine Art of Doing Nothing.

In this hectic world we live in, doing nothing somehow translates into laziness.
If we aren't going faster, getting smarter or doing more, there's something very wrong with us.
Add that notion to the month of December and it is distorted to the point of criminality.

I give you permission to....
throw away those thoughts.....if just for these few moments that we spend together each day! Clear your mind, close your eyes and just sit. Think of nothing. Do nothing. Just breathe.


Ruth Brannigan said...


Love it.s

Kathy said...

Doing nothing goes along with guilty feelings. I should be doing something besides sitting here doing nothing. But I'll try. :)