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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

MY BIG NIGHT.......NOT!!!!

So, remember on Sunday morning when I oozed excitement about my BIG PLANS for Sunday night?
Yeah.....well..... things didn't quite turn out as planned.....
Here's the MOVIE I bought.....
Here's the movie that arrived..... on schedule, I might add.....
Yes, the MOVIE is in Japanese...or Chinese....not so sure....
Oh, this was such my Judi-luck.   
So, about last night....

There I was---after a fun but exhausting and quite entertaining weekend of playing the house mother of a post-college sorority house, I was filled with giddy anticipation of my planned evening!  And, just as importantly-- my body was ready for some relaxation.  My daughter and her visiting sorority sisters were out on the town and staying elsewhere for the night and I had just finished cleaning up all of the dishes and wine glasses from their late night giggle fest and after-concert party.  So, it was just me, me, me and I was ready, ready ready! 
 I had whipped-up an amazing batch of polenta smothered in Romano cheese, topped with some of the yummiest store-jarred marinara sauces (don't judge me, please....) from one of my favorite local go-to places and had  a lovely glass of my newest conquest.....Feudi Falanghina, waiting just for me, me, me.  After I got my polenta sufficiently dressed and into my bowl,  I eagerly opened the package that arrived on Saturday from Amazon..........and then I saw it...........a teeny, tiny little yellow sticker in the corner that read "Import as described.  See back of case for language of film".   

YES!  I really, really cried.....

It was quite ugly, I'll tell you.

Thankfully, I had wine.....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh no. I'm sorry. Good thing you had wine to soften the disappointment.