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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Good morning brain!!!!

As I waited for my new Summer tea to steep in my nifty new brewer this morning,
I collected my blog posting thoughts.  Amazingly--even before the caffeine hit my veins, I found myself at a very unusual place.... my mind was bustling  with  ideas on what I wanted to share today.   Trust me, that doesn't usually in:never... before I have my morning tea!   I'm not sure whatthehell  was going on but instead of wracking my brain for an idea, my brain was swimming with prose.  I suppose a rational and very organized person would use that moment of multiple inspirations to sit down and jot ideas for future postings.  Well, I'm not one of those rational or very organized persons.   I'm more like a very impatient person who gets wild ideas that sound great in the moment but I either tend to lose those ideas in the lunacy of life in Judiland or I don't  think they are really all that great a few days later when I go to use them.   
Yes, I know myself better than I would like....

 Once the tea hit my lips, all bets were off as to what I would blog about today.
 Judi+ Caffeine+ideas busting at the seams=Today's Blog Post

*Let's start with a little weight loss surgery topic.  Yesterday, I was introduced to this article  through the powers of social media.  Now, I could slice and dice this article ten ways to Sunday given the time and inclination (in fact, that was one of my bustingatthebrain ideas for today's blog post).  But, I am going to spare you the torture and thus shall refrain from going all psycho ballastic.  Because that's just not nice....and, hey, I am nice!  Everyone is entitled to their opinions...even if they don't coincide with mine.  BUT! Yes, there's a BUT.  PLEASE. Leave. Weight.  Loss. Surgery.  Patients.  Alone.  That's all I have to say about that.  I promise.

*For my dinner on the deck this past Sunday that got rudely squelched by a quick arriving torrential rain storm (I will spare you the details on that debaucle!),  I tried out 2 recipes that I think everyone needs to know about.  Although we had planned on grilled steaks, we found out less than 24 hours before the dinner that one of the guests does not eat red meat and another was a vegetarian.  Yeah....OMG.....!  That left me little time to pull together a completely different menu.  Next time, when we are having people who we don't personally know that well (husband's business associates and their wives), I will be sure to find out these things beforehand.  #Wordtothewise.   In an utter panic,  I scoured my menu diary for recipes to try.  But, I came up uninspired.  Don't ask me why but everything in my volumes of summer menus felt so common.  Yes, that's my food snob speaking.  So, I turned to the mega power of the internet and threw caution to the wind then said a few hopes of coming up with the perfect little dinner that would make everyone think my husband is not only a genius engineer but also a genius wife picker.   And, let me tell you--I did pretty good.  Everyone was oohing and aahing and just about doing back flips.  My husband is now king of all things engineering and wife picking.  I deserve jewelry.  For your very own jewelry-getting menu....may I strongly suggest these two tastey recipes....
Easy Grilled Honey-Dijon Chicken....the longer it marinates, the better it is! Use thicker chicken breasts for the grill so that they are juicey! 
Creamy Pasta Primavera.....instead of the veggies used in this recipe, I used sugar snap peas, strips of red, green and yellow peppers, quartered artichoke hearts,  diced onions, matchstick carrots.   And, as always, I used the best quality romano cheese.
You're welcome.  

*You need to see the movie Chef .  But, a word to the not go hungry. before you go.  You see...I speak from spirited gal pals and I  literally sprinted out of the movie when it was over screaming for big, fat sandwiches!  Here's the deal---we were running a bit late for the movie so we didn't get a chance to eat beforehand.   Yes, we lingered at the outdoor bar at one of our favorite local summer meet-up places just a tad bit too long.  But, the weather was magical, the wine was flowing  and the conversations were tantalizing.  And, may I say...we all looked stunning in our summer GNO outfits!   Whocouldblameus?  But, really....see this movie. 

*Shoes.  I swear I am going to throw out all of my 300 pair shoes (seriously, I probably have 300 pair!) and only keep a few of the most amazing brands in the world.  Well, not really.  But, I could.  Because these are the only shoes I have been wearing since the warm weather hit.  I am totally, totally smitten.  Cute. Fashionable.  OHSOCOMFY!  And, did I say...CUTE?  And OHSOCOMFY?
My secret shoe obsessions......FLY LONDON, BERNIE MEV, Think!, Allegria, Jambu.
Treat yourself and your feet to these life-changing shoes.....

*And, last but not least....make sure there's a Negroni Bianco in your summer. 
You will thank me. 

1 comment:

Jody V said...

Great recipes! You're the best. You always share! Oh! 300 pairs of shoes? Frank is still blinking!