And, just in the nick of time.
I'm in need of some order and some normalness (and some sleep) and a return to better eating habits.
My body and my life are feeling the effects of it all.
The past two weeks have been chalk full of relentless
We managed to pull off the largest event in our history. And, the real kicker is that we pulled it off with a budget that was cut in half and resources that were stretched to the limit. I had to do some mighty magic for months to bring it on home---mentally and physically. For months, I had to figure out just how we were going to do it all without the basic necessities we were used to working with and just how we were going to deal with the cuts without pissing everyone off. Then, as we eeked into the final hours---the fruits of my labor answered my questions. How to do you pull off a major event with half the money and less than 1/4 of the resources--you and a bunch of women over the age of 45 step up your game.
Remind me next year to have daily sessions with a trainer for everyone for those few months leading up to the event.
Should you think I'm making this up.......
I was hanging from a pipe adjusting drapery, I was teetering on a wobbly chair attaching signage, my coworkers and I were unloading pallets of huge boxes and hoisting them on to tables and carrying chairs and tables and signs and big displays.....all the while smiling and behaving as though this is just another day at the office. I had to apologize to people, I had to tell people that no, there were not any cookies this year--and no chocolate either!! I had to fight with the parking people, I had to listen to complaints, I had to squeeze through crowds, I had to be professional and pleasant and just all around accommodating--living on little sleep, terrible eating habits and holding grudges against people who deserved me to hold grudges against them.
Believe me now?
Then, after we did the making-history thing--I had two more major events that I had to lovingly attend to and make look pretty and perfect. And, of course, amid all of that--our online management tool that we use to do what we do WENT DOWN. Yes, folks, that .1% chance of three servers going down--happened. Naturally, we couldn't let on just how catastrophic that was. We could not start a wave of panic and mass hysteria---even though there was quite enough panic and mass hysteria that we had to deal with. I mean, once the word hit the street that OUR ONLINE SYSTEM WAS DOWN....the crazies came out. After all, you know we do brain surgery. No, I couldn't set my hair on fire or simply just retire--as in tell everyone "I AM OUTTA HERE!" It was just another day at the office---even though we were thrust into a sea of blindness with people yelling at us and making utterly maniacal demands. We were forced to talk in calm voices and reassuring tones while every inch of our beings wanted to just purchase one way tickets to Bora Bora. (okay, okay....I did sneak in a late night stop for a martini....or two. But, it was absolutely necessary to my sanity)
Believe me, I couldn't have done any of that 115 pounds ago. So, once again, thank you Lapband.
Now that all the work-related busy-ness and chaos of the past few weeks is behind me, I'm ready to jump feet first into cleaning up the messes that ensued because of the busy-ness of the past few weeks.
And, what messes I have on my hands!
From my laundry room to my kitchen to my fridge to my pantry to my bedroom to my office to every nook and cranny of Judiland.....messes abound.
Not exactly how I like to spend my precious time but's better than what I might be doing......

Yes, I'm back to blogland.
(oh how I've missed you so!)
My first step towards restoring all of the things that needed restoring.....
1 comment:
Welcome back my friend, welcome back...
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