My life is like a wild fire right now.....burning out of control. Short on time. Short on sleep. Lots of demands and lots of people who need or want a piece of me. Not much time to STOP, LOOK and LISTEN. Right now, I'd much prefer to STOP,DROP and ROLL! What's a girl to do?
So...about the bedhopping. I ask you....why would I bother to stay in my own bed this weekend? I've been bed hopping for awhile. Why stop now? It's no wonder I can't rid my body of these remaining pounds....my life is just way too busy at the moment to be as planful and organized with my eating as I should be. I mean, it's not that I'm back to my old habits of overeating, indulging in huge plates of pasta and zipping through drive-thrus while eating meals on the run. My Lap band....thank God....won't let me do that. But, I'm a smart girl. I know what foods are easy to whip together, what won't take that much time to make or eat, what will taste good and what will get through my beloved Lap band without much of a problem.
As I said, I'll be bed hopping this weekend. Well, bed hopping and river jumping. I'll be staying the nights with my dear Uncle Patsy who lives in Shadyside....it's on the other side of the river from where I live. His wife....a wonderful woman who he married only a few years back...is going to San Francisco for her grandson's wedding. My uncle can't stay at my house because he's in the middle stages of dementia or alzheimers and can get quite disoriented when he sleeps in unfamiliar places. Well...more disoriented than his normal disorientation, that is. During the day, I'll be transporting him back to my little suburban hamlet so that I can take care of things at home and tend to my father.(I'll be scurrying on the bridge and scooting through the tunnels quite a bit!) And, oh yeah....I have to feed them their 3 square meals and snacks. When I've had my uncle staying with us in the past, we just took my dad and him to bar-restaurants to eat since cooking is not easy to do with a wandering 86 year old (my uncle) and an 87 year old (my father)who wants his share of my time. Why bar-restaurants? Well, for one....I usually need a drink to get me through. But, most importantly, my uncle likes to smoke. No...let me rephrase that....he loves to smoke. And, since he doesn't live in the here and now...he figures he can smoke anywhere. Which was the case until a week or so ago. That's when our county passed a no smoking law for bar-restaurants. Couldn't they have waited? So, even if I told him that he couldn't smoke...he'd forget it within 2minutes and he'd light up. Essentially I'd be reminding him every 2 minutes. God forbid if I went to the bathroom or took my attention away from him for a few moments. He'd light up and soon be dragged out by the nonsmoking cops. So, I have to pray for good weather so that I can sit him on my porch and let him smoke his brains out. Unfortunately, there's some kind of storm coming up the coast.....I'm ignoring it....
Aside from my bed hopping, tunnel driving, absent minded uncle, attention starved father, the smoking problem, the meals that need prepared, the storm that I'm ignoring, my job, the non working cable box and the summer decor all over the place....there's Toni. She's going to her Senior Boat Ride on Sunday. So, that means a dress---which I hope to buy before then. Thankfully, we already bought the shoes. But, of course...that just makes things a little more tricky--we have to find the perfect dress for those perfect shoes. Trust me, I'm on board with that. In fact, seeing those perfect shoes on her feet might be the only thing that gets me through the weekend. It also means lots of primping and prepping. Plus, it means pictures. God knows what will happen. It may all be a little bit of a crap shoot or a major comedy of errors with the Carr boys (my dad & uncle) milling about. I'm just going to have to either keep myself evenly buzzed, incredibly Starbucked--or both. But, there's one thing I am sure I'll have to keep going and that's my sense of humor. No matter how exhausted or exasperated I get, I owe it to Frankie and Patsy. They are good guys....
See you next week!
(if I am still walking and talking....)
Where does he live in Shadyside? Is it near me? (College and Alder)You can escape to my porch for a glass of wine tomorrow. (I have a wedding to attend tonight)
As for the smoking thing, there are still tons of places to smoke if you are still on my end of the world. Take him to Bloomfield's Italian Festival. Your dad might like that also. And while in Bloomfield, eat at Armands on Liberty (right by Imaculate Conception Church) Great fish sandwiches and they let you smoke all you want.
Alot of the places around here take only cash and conveniently just 20% of their income is from food.(they all have atm's in the back rooms though in case cash is short!)
Only in the Burg, or better yet, only in Bloomfield!
sorry, I hit publish twice.
You have me giggling as I imagine you running around taking care of so many things at once, especially Uncle Patsy. You are a jewel, JudiM! No doubt your sense of humor will be exactly the thing that will get you through what will obviously be a very frustrating weekend. {{hugs}}
Oh my goodness!! I'm exhausted just by reading your post.
Good luck getting everything accomplished!!
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