The fever pitch and the last ditch efforts of this campaign has littered my mind so much so that my blogging is being impacted this morning. My head is filled with noise and mantras and voices. It's all twisted and garbled and it's pushing out the important stuff, the creative stuff and the good stuff. I am having one hell of a time getting my thoughts out from behind the messages that have assaulted me non-stop for the past few months. Yes, I will vote because I think it's important and I think it's the right thing to do and I think it's my responsibility and my priviledge. But, damn it, I am not going to participate in any more one-way conversations with machines or hyped up volunteers who are standing on my porch!!!
Therein lies the criminality of politics. When our daily lives are compromised then I say it's time to take a stand. After a weekend of political phone calls, campaign workers knocking at my door and way too many election discussions, I'm anxious for the next 24 hours to go quickly. I'm all for the democratic way and change and freedom to vote and everything else that goes along with living in a free society where our voice matters. But, honestly, enough is enough. The next person who calls me or knocks on my door and asks me who I am going to vote for, I am going to tell them that I will vote for the candidate who opposes the drink tax, who will reinstate smoking in bars and who makes it unlawful for Americans to work on Mondays and Fridays. It's that simple. It's what I care about right this second. The only platform I want to hear about come Wednesday is PLATFORM SHOES and whether they should make a come back or not......
You just don't mess with a girl and her blog......
Oh, I am so ready to have all this behind us too. I'm sick of it all, TV commercials, news, newspapers, radio. Let's get back to life please.
Count me in.. I too am sick to death of receiving tons of political junk mail. Not to mention back to back opposing political views on the television every time you turn it on. I have been lucky in that I haven't had any doorknockers in this campaign but I have had robocalls. I will all be over with in about 36 hours. Yahoo!!!
I am not working at the polls this year because of all the bombarding of political commercials on tv & radio, mailings, phone calls and yes some of the blogs! The only highlight of this all is that my sons are coming home, having dinner at my house and we are voting together!
PS Plus my youngest is bringing my dog back home.
I agree with all of you! I can't wait until this is over.
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