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Saturday, February 1, 2014

Love your HEART......

Of all the gifts my Lap band gave to me, the gift of a healthier heart is the one gift that I never set out to get. 
It wasn't even on my wish list .
I was vain like that....
February 2007.....the month that I made the decision to have Lap Band surgery.
And, it wasn't because I looking to improve my heart health.
Nope, it was because I was getting ready for a Valentine Dinner party and I had nothing to wear and a Lap Band commercial came on the TV just as I was about to fling myself in a heap of tears and wails on my bed on top of the pile of clothes I had just tried on....
The rest is history.  

Happy American Heart Month!!! 

1 comment:

Jody V said...

I did my heart part!