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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Taking a family leave of absence.......

from my blog.......
I am going to spend the next few days being a member of a own.

Surprise. Surprise.
Both Vince and Toni are sneaking into Judiland for a few days.
This is music to my ears....

It's just been a tad bit too busy and schedule-oriented in my life lately.
I haven't had the distractions of being a mom to help me balance it.
So, I do it all.....and then some.
In addition to so many other things--I have a few business trips hanging over my head that aren't as firmed up as I'd like them to be so I'm holding off on confirming other things--making life a bit unsettled for more than just myself, I have lots of work things that have demanded quite a bit of my time, energy and thoughts and I'm feeling very tugged at with talk about all the holiday obligations......
In other words--there hasn't been much time for any real close-to-the-heart fun.
The kind of fun that re-energizes your heart, your soul and your head.
Sure, I've had fun--I admit it--but I've had to schedule that fun in and work around other things to get that fun.
And, all the while, I've been telling's okay! be thankful you have the time to do all this stuff......
Yet, in my heart, I know that I've been missing that family-life-feel that I always loved this time of the year.
My kids must have felt my silent tears.....

As for Carmen--he is going to try to insert himself into family life as well.
His schedule gets a little out-of-hand sometimes so we might have to insert ourselves into his.....but we're good at that.....we've been doing it for years.
That challenge is all part of our family life....

As for me--- I'm moving heaven and earth and appointments and chores and commitments and anything that is even remotely related to my non-mom duties!
I'm pulling the plug on it all......until Monday!
I might be unpopular outside in the real world.
But, within the walls of my heart---I will be content.

What are we going to do?
We're going to the pumpkin patch and the cornstalk maze and doing the hayride and the Octoberfest and carving pumpkins and decorating for Halloween and going to the apple farm and drinking apple cider and raking leaves and doing everything we used to do in October as a family! Yes, all in the space of about 52 hours......
I'm very excited.
Now, I just have to get everyone else as excited as me.....
For the record--that's why I am taking a little blog break.....I need all of my creativity and energy and cheerleading skills to rally my family.......
Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

oh Judi, that sounds wonderful!! have a great weekend, the weather in NY is supposed to be wonderful, I hope it is where you live too!!
I am jealous....

Jill in NY

Jody V said...

Have a great time!


Eileen, Founder, Organizer, Mayor and Chief Cook And Bottle Washer of the Anger Management Girls. said...

I am sooooo jealous. Have fun. Let me know the secret of getting the kids to hang out with you.

The Universe said...

There must be a bug in the system, Judi, because according to my records, you've never been told exactly how powerful you are.

Very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very to the ten zenbillion.
The Universe

Amanda Kiska said...
